Tuesday, February 14, 2012


I'm alive, but Phew! The ginormous incision hurts like crazy. Off of iv fluids and pain meds pump. My new friend Percocet is caring for me nicely. Surgery went well, 3-4 hours. Was in and out of sleep most of Mindsy but definitley a a much improved self today. Walked four x and didn't even belt out a nice line of profanities!! Love technology... Was able FaceTimechat a my babies... Pathology report is due in Friday. This will tell me if the tissue margins on the outer edges are cancer free. If they are not, planB! Still trying to talk with God about all this, but still no answers... Take care and we will see each other again soon. Love. Suzanne


Terry said...

Happy to hear how well you're doing!! (I got a kick out of your typos...was it the percocet?? LOL) Prayers will continue!

Under 175 said...

I'm waiting on pins and needles for Friday! I will continue to send you healing energy! I pray this will end here and now! I love you, Sue!!!


scar will heal nicely & you'll never know it. Would send you a pic of mine but scar is low & in need of a bikini wax first. HAHAHAHAHA. Getting in & out of bed is the hardest. Swinging the legs over = L**rd have mercy! Just keep taking your meds on time - you do NOT want to play catch up! Poitive thoughts to your innards to expell any cells!

ukatsfan said...

Have been thinking of you and saying prayers for you.

Nancy Nicholasf said...

A big Shout-Out from the Empty Nest! I know Friday's new can'[t come soon enough. My prayers continue to be with you! And about your incision... the scar will not really matter in about 15 years; it will hide itself in a wrinkle. Huggles from the Nicholas'

Stefanie Hasert said...

Praying for you and love reading pancakes posts!! I'll take supper to the family tonight! Love you, big hugs!!! Gosh I think I'm going to have to use that handicap sign to ever get this to publish!!! Love ya enough to try a fifth time!!!