Sunday, February 5, 2012

January 19.... phew!

Today we met with my oncologist, Dr. Numnum at Centennial in Nashville. While things are a little bit more progressed than the pathology showed, I am a SURGICAL CANDIDATE! Praise God! This means no chemo, no radiation. I am classified as Stage 1B1...

I'll have a radical hysterectomy, with lymph node dissection, which is a little heavy, but hey.. I DO surgery.. knee 7+ times, ear, 4+ times, girl business... I'm a PRO at surgery! Now, to maintain.

My tumor is at the base of my cervix, about the size of a ping pong ball. CT scan tomorrow, to make sure that is it, and that it has not crept anywhere else. A week or so in the hospital, 5 more at home.

Answered prayers here....

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