Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Liquid Diet, Flowers & lack of male nurses

Day 4 of liquids... Can we not get some baked chicken or a Wendys burger with no cheese or mayo? Mommas hungry :) Tough day... Lots of pain and Percocet (my new BFF). Activity was increased and while It felt great to walk, I was exhausted all day and in pain. Supposed to head out of here on Friday, but pain management needs to even out as well. Lots of goodies today! A cookie gram bouquet with the cutest cookies ever. Some lovely flowers from John's work people and an elegant, exquisite arrangement from our buddies the Rutland and Hernandez families. My room smells and looks lovely if one averts their eyes from me. I'm clean, but no hair do and no makeup, I'm looking a bit rough. Grammy the rockstar drove kiddies down after school. Upon arrival they proceeded to inspect every inch, incision, fluid bag and more. Very hard for them not to sit on me. We went for a walk holding hands and enjoying our time. I miss my blue eyed babies terrribly. Grammy and John are an amazing duo. Both of them are my rocks. I would be lost right now if they were not here. After 40 years, Grammy still has the full ability to make everything better. And John, he did not ask for this, but has handled our entire journey with care, compassion and abounding strength and love. Same nurses now since I checked in, what a fun group! No male nurses though. Surely a little we candy would help the recovery process. :)

1 comment:

Nancy Nicholasf said...

Grammy is a jewel! I love all of you guy's. Hang there and enjoy the rest while you can.