Thursday, April 24, 2014


I should probably explain the I am not able to eat portion of my concern. I am unable to maintain anything I consume, excluding ice chips, small water sips, and sometimes clear juice that I have diluted 50% on my own. 

Each meal is the replica of the last:
6 oz ladle of broth
4 oz cold tea, unsweetened, 1/2 caf
4 oz juice
6 oz jello ( never eat)

That is it. All I have tried since Monday. While I've kept about 4 oz of beef broth, and my juice concoction, that is it. I'm not nauseated for most part, eat slower than thought possible, sit upright and remain that way.
 9.7/10 times?, I return on the investment. My system is clear of any blockages, but still not processing normally. Neurogenic response & motility and key things I need to increase and improve. 
My lung is still clear sounding from the Thora on Tuesday. No leads to any cardiac involvement, just cancer rearing it's ugly head. 

Speaking of cancer, I've not had treatment for a bit. Please direct prayers towarditmaintaining, receding, and as always complete healing. I have to get through this week and back to functioning before they can knock me back down. 

My John will be here shortly. My rock. My heart. Without him, my babies, my family, I am not sure I would still have my smile, still be angry as I have ever been, and still have my love. My family is an amazing group of Northerners who have endured more cancer than any family should. 

Hug your people extra long today. If you see my little people, poke JM, and hug Mary from mommy. If he will let you hug him, go for it, but beware. He's a little "to cool" at times. 



Nancy Nicholasf said...

Squeezing you with prayers!

Anonymous said...

Prayers sent my old friend!-Nikki (Henry)

Anonymous said...

You are an amazing person.

Anonymous said...

You are an amazing human.

Anonymous said...

You are an amazing person.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, didn't mean to write that 3 times. I didn't think it was posting. But you really are.