Monday, February 18, 2013

Bring It!

Well, today is the day! Preparing to leave the house with no mascara. Gasp! Those who know me, know I do not even mow the lawn without it! :)

Heading out around 9, waiting for our sweet Natalie to come and take care of our freckly, blue-eyed babes.

Running on little sleep, and adrenaline, but all is well. Watching our son, win 2nd place at elementary state youth wrestling tourney warmed my soul and fired up the competitive engine. At one point I wondered if he could get a technical for having a crazy, growl-screaming momma sitting in the stands? :) It would have made my mother proud!

I woke early, and enjoyed mommy secret time. This is when I sneak ninja-like into my children's rooms, and watch them rest. Mary Elizabeth's lips are puffy and pink, with her hands held high above her head, infant like. Among her 312 stuffed animals, and wearing a Beiber nightgown, she is still my sweet, tiny, pink baby girl.
Bag is packed, darks are on. JM :) he's part manly now: taking his pj shirt off as he sleeps. Although not too sure if cuddling Perry the Platypus reeks testosterone. His freckles are frecklier, and his face is a gift from God. A gift that made me a mommy.

Now that I have inhaled their sweet, sweet scents and packed it inside for a few, I'm ready. Will update later/tomorrow when I'm feeling improved.

Bring. It. On.

Be well,

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