I even received a certificate! 25 treatments, one super sensitive tummy, and one woman who could not be more humbled, healthy, and thankful.
The stickers on there are the ones that have been on me, for 5 weeks. Some may think " eww, gross!," but to me, they are tokens of success, perfection and accuracy in prevention and zapping :) In a weird way I'll miss my afternoon "crew", their kindness, attentiveness, care and concern. I'll miss my ladies and gentlemen of the cancer center who smiled so gently, nodding as if they knew all the thoughts that lay within my mind.
I'm now a regular person again. I still see doctors every 6 weeks to 2 months for this first year, which is more that easy to do. Now I get to be a Mommy who can do all of our activities without having to worry about running late due to radiation, or being late to treatments.
I pray that cancer touches no one else, that we find a way to eradicate this horrific, invasive disease. It has not only touched me, but my gentle, sweet, loving husband, my innocent, freckle faced babies, my mother; the woman who buried a husband because of cancer, who has now had to watch me face it. My sisters, whose silent strength and "whoop ass' attitudes carried me through my saddest times. My big brother who always thought it would be him...My aunts, who buried three brothers because of it... My sweet cousins.. My friends. My cancer has touched each of you.
I'm healthy, happy and healed. Three words that I worried if I would say again three short months ago.
Back to work has been great, I love my people. They bring so much joy, love and giggles. All of my babies at work have been great to see again too. Crazy when I think about teaching 550+ kids every three days, but I love each of them. I'm still a little slower moving than most, but I'm getting there!
Thank you for your support, love, prayers, donated time, karma.. all that you all have thought of / done for / sent my way. It has been felt, welcomed and appreciated more than my words could every express. Many times I have found myself turning to God for answers, this is what my favorite lady at the cancer center shared with me"
Jeremiah 30:17 "But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds," declares the LORD.
For me, my health has been restored and my wounds are healed. I am humbled, healthy and so very, very thankful.
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