Friday, June 28, 2013

Summer Fun with Cancer? Trying!

It has been so long I do not even know where to begin.  I feel like I have continuously ridden on a jerking, scream inducing, smile creating roller coaster.

Chemo has gone well in general.  Round 4 is finished, two more to go!  Some troubles with nausea still, but very manageable.  Sleeping beauty days are still around, but less so.  Hair loss has been consistent, revving up a bit lately.  I bit the bullet a few weeks ago, and had my hairdresser trim the scragglies.  The above shoulder bob was cute at the time, with an addition of bangs, but as the hair loss continues I often find myself considering shaving the rest off.  I am covered in hair constantly, its on the floor, the counters, in my food…. As I still have two treatments to go; not sure how much I’ll have left after those anyhow.  I think I’d probably rock a scarf after I get trained by my Deidra…  Jury is out for now.
My labs have faired … fair.  I’m currently in trouble for low platelets.  I’m under 60 which is the super naughty zone.  So no punching me, cutting me, roughhousing.    I re-draw on Monday, maybe Wednesday, and Friday next week.  All while on vacation, good times!  Not.  Stupid platelets and clotting factor. 

Relay for Life… 


It is very difficult for me to “let” others do things for me.  I love helping others, and doing things for them.  I’m pretty simple, easy to please, but wow.  If I counted the acts of kindness and generosity people have done for my family and myself, well, my fingers and toes are not enough.  My dear friend Jessica was our visionary: creating Team Suzanne and rallying the troops, getting people motivated, designing and marketing the *rock*star*shirts…..Team Suzanne raised over $5,000.00 and is ranked 8th of 45 teams here.  And to think this was only our first year!

My friends Dana and Libbie hosted the Save A Cowgirl cookout.  Complete with hay bale seating, fabulous food, friends, and fellowship.  My parents special friend, Nancy, even made the 6 hour drive down to surprise us all... I was speechless...

John Michael and Mary Elizabeth’s friend Anna joined them for a lemonade and goody sale at church, where my buddy Paige helped out by baking some fab.u.lous cookies.  

  Mary Elizabeth’s pals Allie and Brianne, with brothers Logan & Braden, Mommyies Leann and Michelle, hosted a Lemonade stand in their neighborhood…. 

My friend Jill coordinated and hosted a out of this WORLD yard sale and friend Brandi designed and ordered the grooviestTeam Suzanne bracelets…..  

The list goes on and on. 
The actual event was amazing, IS amazing.  Have you been?  You must.  I hope to never miss one again.  Ever.  As a survivor, supporter, fundraiser, volunteer.  I have been inspired, educated, and deeply, deeply touched in a way by this event that I will make it my mission to always be involved.  My friends that came, and wished to come... thank you so much for being a part of that evening.  Your children, your pictures from far away, texts of support, presence in person.  I am deeply honored and humbled.  I made new friends, held hands with Jill and new pal April while listening to a prayer that touched my soul.


                Summer is speeding along.  Kind of feel like I’ve missed most of June, and what really bites is that I go back to work in 33 days.  Yep.  July 31.  Ugh.  We’ve been swimming, playing , bouncing, exploring, snow cone eating and more.  Cousin Micayla flew in for her yearly visit with us and we are quickly upon our favorite part of this season, MICHIGAN!  We are soon heading to the Village of Empire, MI to spend the week at Aunt Sue’s and in Lake Michigan!  Time with all of our cousins, aunties, uncles, grammy, grandpa, and more cousins…  Two are first timers, we can’t wait!  I’m hoping to spend lots of time pretending I’m  a regular gal and forget about this cancer business, but with lab visits up there too…. I’ll try my hardest.

                Both children participated in our local Soap Box Derby, making it to the 4th round ( I believe) . 

     Great fun was had, sportsmanship demonstrated, snacks eaten.  A good day.  

JM is progressing steadily at TKD.  He is now a high blue belt, and had his first board break (click the link!) at his last testing.  It was a big week for the kids, as Mary Elizabeth got her back handspring on the floor (click the link!).  Proud of them both.  They work  very hard in school, and their determination pays off.  Both finished the year with fabulous reports and their test scores R.O.C.K.E.D.  As a teacher, I know the educational demands, and how much importance is placed upon testing, blah, blah,blah… but when I saw their scores, well:  data speaks.  I get data, I know what it means, and well… yay JM & ME!

US :)
     John has transitioned to his "new" life as a civilian well and is loving being home.  After 26 years of driving, he did something he has never done.  He bought a new vehicle, for himself.  He has always spoken of his desire to have a truck, and well.... he made it happen.  He's been smiling since he left the lot.  The kids are having a big time playing in the back of it, and want to change the laws so they can ride around the town in  the back!

     As always, thank you for being with me, with us, on this journey.  It has not been an easy one, and as of late, ever more a pickle.  I've learned many lessons over the last few months, some beyond amazing, some... well, tearful each time I think of them.

 I am thankful for you.  Thank you for being thankful for me.

Be well, be kind, be honest, be loved, be blessed.....

1 comment:

Jill said...

Suzanne, your beautiful attitude toward life is infectious. You think we are all doing for you, I don't think you realize how much you are actually doing for me. I have spent me entire life worrying about the most insignificant things, sweating the small stuff so to say. Your love for life, your love for the simple things, your joy in savoring every moment , has been life changing for me. I am letting go of the small stuff, and that is all because of you. So please do not think you are not helping others, you are changing my life and I love you for it!