I'm a total blog slacker, sorry. It isn't that I do not think about it, but that I do not want to do it. Some days it is very easy to sit and vomit my world onto the computer, but most days I prefer to pretend that all is good.
My platelets came back up, but are back in the pits. I labbed last Friday, 7/19, and again yesterday, Tuesday 7/23 to make sure they were up... they are not, they are even lower. Stupid platelets. So if you see me, don't cut me, punch me, or cause injury to me. Thanks. Just need the little buggers to come up by next Monday. I'll lab again Friday, stupid platelets. No rise, no chemo.
Speaking of chemo, next week is my LAST ROUND! Can I get a woot, woot! Yee haw! I'll go Mon-Weds., and that my friends is a wrap!(PET scan pending) I will have a PET scan sometime around Labor Day to make sure there are no metastases. I CANNOT wait to make sure this pickle of a body is squeaky clean. Other than my freaky platelet issues, I've not had a single concern that would point to the chemo not doing its job, Hallelujah! Post-chemo, it should take anywhere from 3-6 months for my body to return to "normal," whatever that may be. For me, it will be a "new" normal.
My persepective on so much has changed; my health has struggled, my family has endured, my Faith has deepened, my views have changed. I look forward to fewer naps, energy that lasts more than 30 minutes, my long, thick hair, full eye-lashes, disappearing chemo-acne, the end of frequent tears, skin without bruises, weeks without needles, time with my family that is not dictated by chemo schedules, lab draws, and pill schedules. I look forward to making new friendships, renewing old ones, and rebuilding and repairing those that have suffered.

I look forward to uplifting friends as mine have uplifted me. I have a friend Carol, who faithfully sends me a card, or two every week. I have every card that she has sent, and read them repeatedly. I find strength in them. I find strength in her, in her unwavering faith in God that I will come through this healed, stronger, better. She made me some cds of encouraging and uplifting Christian music, some of her favorites, and I listen often. I actually have every card that anyone has sent me during this recurrence. Every one. Some I reread often, others I hold onto for strength in numbers.
Our annual trip to Michigan was refreshing, invigorating, full of love, giggles, fun, love, and perfection. I am so very thankful for it each year. Cousins, Lake MI, ice cream, parades, ice cream, Aunt Sue time, Aunt Sandy time, tiny cousin time, niece & nephew Annalee and Aaron joining us for the first.time.ever... Little Micayla flying here unaccompanied for the 3rd year and trekking with us again, ice cream. Sand, kayaking, sunsets, handholding, sister time, husband time, grammy time, sky lanterns launched with wishes to eradicate cancer from our family. Mischief and sometimes mayhem, its my little slice of heaven. I felt renewed, refreshed, and ready to face round 5 of chemo. My sister Pam was there too, and returned to chemo as well, her last! She's prepping for radiation now, almost at the finish line!

Kiddoes have survived summer superbly. We have not been the best at doing our summer work for school, but all will balance out. We've tried to make their summer as normal as normal could be in this household. Swimming, biking, glowsticks, lightning bugs, backyard bonfires, sunscreen, sprinklers and more. John bought John Michael and I fancy new bikes, so bike riding is our new thing! Anything to bring them joy during this crazy time, to turn their worries into wonders and remind them that life's joys are everywhere.
Work begins next week, blech. We go back July 31, with student's 1st day Monday, August 5th. I'm going to miss the 1st day most likely due to chemo, but will trudge through the next two. I'm going to miss my babies terribly. I cherish our time in the summer greatly and have wondered if my working where I do is the best choice for our family. I would love to have more time with my children, my husband... Anyone have a crystal ball I may borrow?
Anyhow, next week it is. Heading back for my 16th year with Fort Campbell Schools. Looking forward to year two of teaching STEM, new faces, new challenges, but not some changes. Will desperately miss my dear friend Courtney who is moving to VA. Today we had a "farewell" for her, and I think I spent more time looking away, than I did looking at her. Every time I did, tears formed, a lump grew, and my heart ached. Its not often when you meet a truly, truly great person. I'm not great at farewells, and wished I could have hidden in a bush like John Michael did when he was little and guests would leave. I've leaned heavily on her smile, heart, strength and faith over the years, and have learned so much from her. To be honest, its going to be tough without knowing her smile is right around the corner and down the hall. I'll find my joy, find my smile, find my happiness there again, but will miss her deeply.

Kiddoes are looking forward to school, for the most part. Busy with losing teeth, cheerleading, Tae Kwon Do, and Middle School soccer! Their school allows 4th & 5th grades to play middle school sports. JM has enjoyed the practices and has participated in camp this week with the "big boys" this week. He is the only incoming 4th grade that has attended all of camp, and has had quite the big time. When I picked him up this morning, he and his pal, "D Mac" I believe were walking together. The older boy patted him on the head, gave him some "knuckles" and told him that he was proud of his hard work and had played great as a defender. According to JM this young man was the varsity goalie and his new pal. I of course got teary and had to get in the car. Poor JM almost DIED when he saw my tears and gave an exasperated sigh at mom and her tears... sweet guy. Between that and me rocking a wig to pick him up the other day, he may claim another mommy as his own. Mary has been rocking cheer like a queen and is looking forward to the new uniforms and competition season to start! She's changing teams within her gym, partnering up with girlies more her age and is thrilled that her "BFFs" are on the new team. Thankful to know that her coaches know what is best for her and the teams. Very blessed to have people coaching and caring for our babies like we do!

Chemo is almost complete. Cancer should be gone. Spirits are a bit low. Things will get better. Life will go on.
That is all I have for now!
Be well, be kind, be blessed, be honest, be loved.
Know that I am so very thankful for you taking the time to "be" with me for a few moments.
Know that I pray daily. For myself, for many others, for YOU.